Health Book Digital 0.11b
Uniker is the first digital connectedHealthbook.Having the best healthcare, the best prevention, the bestmonitoringof your health and wellness and ease your life.Uniker health book present a revolutionary idea but sosimple.Each Person own and manage directely his or her health bookon thecontrary of all other personal medical file projects. WithUnikerhealth book I have the freedom to handle my own medical andsocialrecords, to update them directly and to share them with whoever Iwant, when, where and how I decide.Uniker is a health book which will give the possibilitytoexchange and ease healthcare and its social care aspect bycreatingyour own circle of trust and social network.To supportus:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1336921824/uniker-helper-lassistant-dalerte-cercles-dentraide
Helpr. Emergency rescue assist 1
I have been in an accident and am in needofimmediate assistance. Despite being in a state of shock,myreaction must be without disruption.All information transmitted must be efficient and adequate inmyrescue.Because my smartphone never leaves my side and is with meduringmy activities and travels. Having this app that includesmypersonal information, medical information not limitedtoconditions, allergies, medications, contact list, medicalhealthteam, all this information will be provided to rescuerswithin theapp can be the link to optimal emergency care.Helpr of Uniker will launch automatically these followingactionsat one time within a single tap:1. Provide GPS location according to phone number to rescue2. Notify family and friends of your preference3. Notify your health care team or provider4. Provide personal and medical information for optimalemergencycare5. Notify next of KinThis app is an assurance to optimal emergency care when youneedit most.Examples of uses:You are on a hike in the woods and have injured your leg, youcansend for rescue with Helpr providing your GPS location, notifyyourfamily and friends and provide rescuers your medicalinformationwith one tap.An elderly gentlemen becomes unresponsive, you findhissmartphone that his loved ones has taken the measures toprovidethis app. His medical history is provided to rescuersbecause he isunable to himself and that in turns saves his life.This app alsohas notified his family, next of kin, and whichhospital to takehim to…all within one tap and app.To support us:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1336921824/uniker-helper-lassistant-dalerte-cercles-dentraide